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About Flourish Speech Pathology
Flourish Speech Pathology provides family centred speech therapy to children aged 0 to 7 years. Individualised speech therapy is provided targeting children with speech difficulties, language difficulties, literacy difficulties, delayed speech, children with disabilities and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Specific speech therapy interventions provided by Flourish include Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and key word signing. Our speech pathologist is also certified to present the Hanen programs of It takes two to talk and More than Words.
Speech Therapy Services 0-7yrs
Workshops & Training on various topics.
School, Kindy & childcare screening programs
Keyword Signing
Early intervention speech therapy for children with disablities and significant global developmental delay.
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Ways to Pay
Practising Member of Speech Pathology Australia
AGOSCI member
Medicare Service Provider
Flourish Speech Pathology