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About Fortune 5 Geelong
It is important to fortune5 that our expertise and strategies are based on a practical knowledge of your business and an intricate understanding of your financial position. That way, the balance of integrating the two means that you just feel more relaxed and have greater peace of mind. Financial strategies and outcomes are not fixed however. fortune5 is committed to servicing and maintaining long term relationships with its clients. Talking together so that we can respond to your changing needs and circumstances means that you know your options are always flexible. fortune5 wants clients to understand their current and future financial options and how their needs will integrate into this process. It is not enough to simply find rapid solutions in reaction to problems. fortune5 wants to carefully plan for solid, well structured long-term solutions that are reflective of a business or person and their future financial goals. Fortune 5 wants clients to understand their current and future financial options and how their needs will integrate into this process. It is not enough to simply find rapid solutions in reaction to problems. fortune5 wants to carefully plan for solid, well structured long-term solutions that are reflective of a business or person and their future financial goals.
Accounting Services
Financial Statement Preparations
Financial Analysis
Budget & Cash-Flow
Regular Performance Reviews
Business Management Advice
Corporate Secretarial Services
Taxation Services
Income Tax Advice - Personal & Business
Capital Gains Tax
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
Entrepreneur’s Tax Offset
Investment Allowances
Business Development
Business Structuring
Business Growth Strategies
Cash-Flow Management
Consulting Services
Business Valuations
Succession Planning
Resources Management
Financial Planning Services
Investment Strategies
Portfolio Management
Business & Capital Equipment Funding
Superannuation Services
Transition to Retirement Pensions
Estate Planning
Retirement Planning
Taxation Compliance
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I maximise my tax refund?
Keep all receipts for work related expenses, child education expenses, self education expenses for work related courses, donations, rental property expenses etc. Keep a log book (for 3 consecutive months) of work related travel. Prepare a summarized list (spreadsheet) of the income tax deductions. Keep a record of share purchases and sales.
How do I minimise my taxes?
Detailed records of your investments are essential in order to take full advantage of Capital Gains tax concessions. Property developers are able to reduce their GST liability by applying the Margin Scheme in appropriate circumstances.
Fortune 5 Geelong