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Family Law
Commercial & General Litigation
Contract Disputes
Building Disputes
Debt Recovery
Personal Injury/Accident Claims
Arrangements For Children
Married Couples
De Facto Couples
Spousal Maintenance
Financial Agreements
Child Support Agreements
Collaborative Practice
Debt Resistance
Debt Litigation
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Frequently Asked Questions
I want to separate. Can I get my partner to move out?
If they won’t leave voluntarily there are very limited circumstances in which you can force them out. If there has been domestic violence you can apply through the Magistrates Court for a protection order that orders your partner to stay away from you and where you live. The Federal Circuit Court can also order your spouse or former partner to move out as part of property settlement proceedings.
Are the assets that I bring into the relationship quarantined from claim by my partner?
No. The assets you have in your name before you marry or start living together can be subject to claim by your spouse or partner. The only way to protect, or quarantine, those assets from a property settlement claim is through the use of a Financial Agreement (before or during the relationship).
Frampton Mark