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About Fundamental Student
We at the Fundamental Student, passionately believe in the genius born in every child. We are committed to delivering highly interactive, outrageously Fun accelerated learning programs that positively empower children of all ages to Soar through life with ease and Enthusiasm. Accelerated Learning is for everyone at any level of education, from pre-school to adult education. Based on theories and research by Tony Buzan in the UK, the philosophy is that children all learn in different ways and are influenced in their learning by how enjoyable the experience is. By understanding this, and by introducing important brain skills called �brain gymnastics' in a fun and exciting format, children learn quickly and gain new confidence in their skills and abilities. Positive results lead to positive impressions of learning that empower a child and contribute to their overall mental development. Albert Einstein said: �We are all born geniuses - if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, then it will live its life believing it is stupid�. Accelerated Learning sets the genius free by bringing fun and enjoyment into the learning process, thus realising a positive result more quickly.
Fundamental Student Holiday Programs
Fundamental Student After School Programs
Fundamental Student in school programs
Fundamental Teacher program
Fundamental Parent program
We make learning Fun by presenting accelerated learning programs to children of all ages. We teach children how their mind works and bring out the genius in them. We educate teachers and parents too as many have not seen or heard of these skills before and for the benefit of the child - both parent & teacher can learn the how and the why we do what we do. This empowers the teacher and parents to continue the skills when working or helping their student/s.
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Ways to Pay
Working with Children Check Clearance #WWC0302390E Expires 08/03/2019
Public Liability Insurance
Fundamental Student