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About Gantt Legal
Local Business servicing the Sunshine Coast.
Planning law
Planning and environment court appeals and originating applications
Drafting and checking the more complex aspects of development applications
Providing assistance with strategy in terms of information request responses
and requests for negotiated decision notices
Provision of planning law advice at all stages
Project law
Valuation and acquisition of land advice and dispute resolution
Environment law
Environmental licensing and regulation
Vegetation clearing
Fish habitat
Coastal protection
Nature conservation
Protected areas
Marine plants
Noise and other emissions
Heritage advice and dispute resolution
Major project advice including due diligence
Defence of planning, environment and heritage law prosecutions
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Ways to Pay
Holds a Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Queensland
Member of the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA)
Member of the Planning Institute of Australia
Member of the Planning Institute of Australia
Member of the Queensland Law Society
Gantt Legal