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Criminal Law
Bail Applications
Drug Offences
Assault Offences
Centrelink Fraud
Domestic Violence
Sex Offences
Appeals Applications
Child Pornography Offences
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Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve been charged with an offence, what now?
Once you have been charged you will receive a charge sheet and summary outlining the allegation being made against you. This will usually contain a court date in which you have been summoned or bailed to appear at court on to become answerable to the allegations made against you. It is crucial you get the best legal advice at this stage to ensure you protect not only your freedom, but your future.
What are the types of charges and what is the difference?
There are two primary types of offences that police can charge you with. That being Summary Offences (less serious penalties) and Serious Indictable Offences (severe penalties applicable).
Garde Wilson Lawyers Gold Coast