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About Gardian Real Estate
Our experienced team of Mackay real estate agents can provide you with invaluable advice as to the best ways to market your home, secure commercial leasing and manage your property. Home appraisals are also offered by the friendly staff at Gardian. Although buying or selling property can be exciting, it can also be daunting. Complicated documentation as well as changing market conditions can leave one confused as to the best way to proceed. At Gardian Real Estate, we are committed to taking the guesswork out of buying, selling and renting property. Because our business is affiliated with Mortgage Choice, Mortgage Choice Financial Planning, and Gardian Insurance, you can be certain you will get the most value - and clarity - for your money with Gardian. Gardian Real Estate is your convenient, one-stop shop for all your financial planning, property insurance, and mortgage home loan needs. Our service-oriented personnel are also happy to provide investment property sourcing services. Benefit from more than 40 years of collective industry experience with Gardian Real Estate. Our agents specialise in managing, selling and sourcing property around the Mackay area and it's districts. Call us today to find out how our friendly, family owned business can best address your needs.
Mortgage Choice affiliated
Gardian insurance affiliated
Home selling services
Home buying services
Home marketing services
Home appraisal services
Property management & rental services
Commercial leasing services
Mortgage Choice financial planning services
Investment property sourcing
Financial planning
Mortgage home loans
Insurance services
4.8 rating
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Agents REIQ accredited
Gardian Real Estate