About Gibson Driveshaft Services Pty Ltd
Gibson Driveshaft Services is a family owned and operated business. We specialise in the supply of drive shafts to suit mining vehicles, cars and trucks. Ray Gibson founded Ray Gibson's Engineering in 1970. Ray's son Chris Gibson took over the business in 1995 and has significantly expanded operations and services offered, as well as changing the business name to Gibson Driveshaft Services. Company Profile Gibson Driveshaft Services is a family owned and operated business. We specialise in the supply of driveshafts to suit mining vehicles, cars and trucks. We also custom build high performance fully engineered tailshafts to suit all cars and 4WD vehicles. All tailshafts are electronically balanced with absolute precision. We also supply parts and accessories for rear-wheel drive shafts including universal joints, centre bearings and diff yokes. Driveshafts We custom build high performance fully engineered tail shafts to suit all cars and 4WD vehicles. All tail shafts are dynamically balanced with absolute precision. Driveshaft Services Include: Manufacture and Repair of Underground Mining, Open Cut Mining, Car, Truck and Marine drive shafts; Dynamic Driveshaft Balancing; CV Shafts & Joints; OEM Driveshaft Supply Specialist; Metal Spray Technology - shaft reclamation; Axle Re-Splining. Driveshaft Spare Parts Supplier We also supply parts and accessories for rear-wheel drive shafts including universal joints, centre bearings and diff yokes. We supply only Superior Quality Driveline Components at affordable prices. We do not sell inferior quality parts as we believe they are ultimately more costly in the end due to issues with poor performance and failures which may result in costly damage to your vehicle.
Drive Shaft Spare Parts
CV shafts
All driveline components
OEM supply
Dynamic balancing
Integrity person to person service
Mining, Truck, Car and Marine Drive Shafts
Drive Shaft Spare Parts Supplier
Drive Shaft Balancing
OEM Drive Shaft Supply Specialist
Custom Performance Drive Shafts, Hot Rod, 4WD
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ABN: 79 101 176 372
Gibson Driveshaft Services Pty Ltd