About Gold Coast Barges
Owned and Operated by Greg and Tracy Sweetman, Gold Coast Barges aims to provide excellent, professional service to clients on the Gold Coast Waterways. From transporting vehicles and equipment, to placing rock against canal retaining walls to protect them from erosion damage, to delivering landscaping materials, Gold Coast Barges does it all. Give us a call if you would like more information - we are happy to advise on all sorts of jobs on the waterways.
Barge hire
Canal revetment walls
Rock armouring
Jetty repair & removal
Beach re-profiling
Rock placement
Pontoon dredging
Vehicle/Equipment transporting
Moorings placement
Logistical assistance
Swimming pools
Stormwater drainage
Ramp removal
Movie logistics
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Ways to Pay
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my wall is failing?
Call Gold Coast Barges. We will assess and if it is able to be fixed we will help you get it done right. If it is unable to be fixed we will walk you through replaceent procedures and ensure you wall is engineeered and approved
Can I build a boat ramp without Council approval?
No. Council requires a specific design and requires approval so waterfront owners are installing quality ramps that do not cause water access issues for neighbouring properties. If you are looing to install, replace or remove a boat ramp - give us a call. We walk you through the process. If you are going to get work done, come to Gold Coast Barges for experience like no other on the Gold Coast.
Gold Coast Barges