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About Gold Coast Fire Door Services
Gold Coast Fire Door Services is a family owner company which has been operating on the Gold Coast for over 10 years. Company Director Lance Ripley is a fully qualified carpenter with 25 years experience in all aspects of the building industry including housing, commercial and industrial construction. Lance is also licensed to certify fire doors and is licensed with the Department of Fair Trading in NSW. Gold Coast Fire Door Services Pty Ltd services all areas of the Gold Coast, Northern NSW and southern areas of Brisbane. Gold Coast Fire Door Services has an extensive data base of building of the Gold Coast where we have performed fire door tests. We can perform a quarterly basis Type 2 reports on all common area fire doors in the building. Unit entry fire doors can be inspected on arrangement with management. All fire doors are inspected and reported as per AS1851-2005. In the event of a fire, break in or damaged to the door causing loss of security, Gold Coast Fire Door Services Pty Ltd can offer an emergency call out service to secure your building or premises. This service may be temporary until a replacement door can be arranged. Gold Coast Fire Door Services can supply and install new frames, replace rusted and damaged frames and replace sections of frame. We can provide a concrete cutting service to remove an existing concrete filled frame, provide protection to surrounding areas and remove all rubbish from site. Frames are available in Zinc, Colorbond, 304 grade stainless steel or 316 stainless steel. Fire rated doors are available in the following finishes: paint grade ply, timber veneer, pressed panel, steel sheeted, steel clad, stainless steel clad, mouldings and colorbond. Non rated doors and hardware.
Fire rated doors supplied to suit single leaf, Double leaf, Sliding fire doors, Acoustic fire doors with seals, Smoke doors with seals.
Supply & Install New Frames
Replace Rusted & Damaged frames
Replace sections of frame
Provide a concrete cutting service to remove an existing concrete filled frame
Provide protection to surrounding areas
Remove all rubbish from site
Licensed to certify. Gold Coast Fire Door Services is a Gold Coast agent for the Trueline Door System. A door can come to site pre-finished , pre-painted with all lock and hinge cut outs ready to install. This reduces the time onsite, clean installation without the issue of dust and noise. The room can be let the same day with no down time saving costs and disturbance to your client.
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Direct Debit
QBCC Lic # 1034659
FPIB Qld Lic # 1199
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