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About Grahams Solicitors
A Winning Combination - Grahams Lismore Compensation Lawyers and You! We have been serving the people of Lismore and the Far North Coast of New South Wales continuously for over 30 years. The Firm's Principal Keith Graham was born and raised in Lismore and takes a very active role in the Lismore and District Community. WARNING do not be fooled by Sydney based Law Firms advertising in the local phonebook and on TV. Virtually none of these Firms have any offices or staff outside Sydney. This results in a far inferior service to that offered by an experienced local Firm.
Conveyancing & Property Law
Business Law
Wills & Estates Law
Compensation Claims
Farming Law
Specialising in the following claims
Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
Work Injuries
Public Liability Claims
Medical Negligence
Sickness, Accident & Disability
Insurance Claims
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