About Great Lakes Tackle
Gone fishin'? Come to Great Lakes Tackle in Tuncurry. We are a family owned and operated tackle shop stocking a comprehensive range of quality fishing equipment and camping materials. We have all the essentials you will need on your next fishing and camping trip, including fishing rods and reels, hand spears and guns, braided lines and lures, and diving and snorkel gear. Camping gas fittings, life jackets, local and frozen bait�we are a one stop fishing shop dedicated to providing only the highest quality fishing products and equipment. Our staff members are passionate about fishing themselves and are keen to offer any product advice you require. At Great Lakes Tackle, we even build custom rods to match your fishing preferences. If you want to get out in the wild, look no further than our range of durable tents, tools and gas fitted appliances. For when you'd rather be fishing, visit Great Lakes Tackle & Camping in Tuncurry!
Fishing rods & reels
Nets & traps
Spear guns & hand spears
Lures & braided lines
Snorkels and masks
Dive gear
Life jackets
Camping gear
Fshing rod & reel repairs
Custom rod building
Advice & consultation
Fishing Store
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2013 & 2014 AFTA-Australias best bait & tackle store
Great Lakes Tackle