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About Gresar Building Design
We at Gresar Building Design know how important it is to feel comfortable in a home you love and we're committed to helping you achieve your dream. Where do you start? While some clients have a very clear vision, for others it's hard to explain exactly what their ideal home is. A home is determined more by your feelings and emotions than just the physical structure. It usually begins with a vision; friends and summer breezes on a lovely Queensland deck; a crackling fire and a glass of red on a chilly winter's night... the family sitting down to share an amazing home-cooked meal in a lovely new kitchen. Our specialty is assisting our clients in turning those sorts of visions into realities. You bring the dream and we do the rest! At the end of the design process our promise is a house that feels like home.
New Houses
Decks & Patio’s
Lift & Build Under
Large Renovations
Granny Flats
Renovations & Additions
Fully Licensed & Insured
Personalised Service
Modern & Custom Designs
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