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About Gympie & District Landcare
The landcare movement started in 1985, although as early as the 1940s community groups were getting together to tackle some of the local environmental issues. Gympie & District Landcare Group was started 3 years after the movement began, in 1988, by some of our local graziers making it one of the oldest Landcare groups in Queensland. The group was established to promote responsible land management in the region covering Gympie City, Widgee Shire, Kilkivan Shire, Tiaro Shire and other small outlying communities in the region. During the following decade Gympie & District Landcare assisted with the formation of independent Landcare groups and when Gympie City and Widgee Shire amalgamated into Cooloola Shire the group focused its activities within the new Cooloola Shire. Gympie District Landcare Group won the Community Group category at the 1999 Queensland Landcare Awards and was a finalist at the 2000 National Landcare Awards and winner of the 2001 Queensland NHT Rivercare Award. In March 2000 we became the first Landcare group in Australia to be inscribed onto the federal government's Register of Environmental Organisations. We are a not-for-profit member-based organisation that became an incorporated association in 1991. We have a rich 30-year history of strong community support that enables us to fulfill our vision of leaving a legacy of sustainable land care management in the Gympie region. Our purpose is to support and inspire landowners to practice sustainable land stewardship. We do that by providing: Education about sustainable land use and environmental biodiversity best practices. Contract services & support for sustainable land care. Native plants and knowledge through our nursery. Insects for bio-control purposes, particularly for organic and chemical free landowners.
Gympie Nursery
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Services
Bio-Control Bugs
Cat's Claw Creeper
Madeira Vine
Gympie Landcare
Native Nursery
Native Nursery Gympie
Native Plant Nursery
Environmental Conservation Services
Bio-Control Services
Environmental Education
Advanced Plants
Grow to Order
Contract Landcare Services:
Weed Control
Conservation services
Environmental Consultancy
Property Reports
Site monitoring
Pest Management & Environmental Works Plans
Bushland Regeneration including advice on species selection.
Riparian Restoration
Native Timber Establishment, Environmental & Carbon offsets & Maintenance
Vegetation Maintenance
Weed Removal utilising a quick spray unit.
Native Plants
Wildlife Boxes
Environmental Property Consultancies including vegetation surveys
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Ways to Pay
Incorporation number: IA08612
Gympie & District Landcare