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About Hayward John Director
John Hayward is a Litigation Partner of Williams Graham Carman and leads the Insolvency and Debt Recovery team. John is an experienced and sought after litigator. He has superior technical and commercial skills and is known for providing his clients with strong, solid and practical advice. John has extensive experience in promptly resolving litigation matters, or otherwise proceeding before all of the State Courts and the Federal Courts, as well as a variety of State Tribunals including the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT). John has extensive experience in the area of debt recovery and insolvency. He has had the direct control and management of voluntary administration, liquidation, receivership and bankruptcy files. John has worked with and against liquidators, bankruptcy trustees, banks and government bodies such as the Australian Taxation Office. John has acted for and advised several local governments and bodies corporate. He has regularly been engaged as an expert speaker for information seminars held for a variety of audiences. Specialist Skills Civil and Commercial Litigation Personal Insolvency Corporate Insolvency Bankruptcy and Debt Agreements Liquidation, Voluntary Administration and Receivership Debt Recovery Employment and Workplace Law Body Corporate Disputes Estate Litigation Defamation Qualifications and Membership Solicitor of Supreme Court of Queensland, 2001 Solicitor of High Court of Australia, 2002 Bachelor of Laws, James Cook University, 1998 Bachelor of Arts, James Cook University, 1998 Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia, Associate Member Far North Queensland Law Association, Member and Former Treasurer Amnesty International Legal Network, Member Honoured Friends of the Salvation Army, Solicitor Member Anglicare North Queensland, Former Director and Board Chairperson.
Civil & Commercial Litigation
Personal Insolvency
Corporate Insolvency
Bankruptcy & Debt Agreements
Liquidation/ Voluntary Administration & Receivership
Debt Recovery
Employment & Workplace Law
Body Corporate Disputes
Estate Litigation
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Solicitor of Supreme Court of Queensland, 2001
Solicitor of High Court of Australia, 2002
Bachelor of Laws, James Cook University, 1998
Bachelor of Arts, James Cook University, 1998
Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia, Associate Member
Far North Queensland Law Association, Member & Former Treasurer
Amnesty International Legal Network, Member
Honoured Friends of the Salvation Army, Solicitor Member
Anglicare North Queensland, Former Director & Board Chairperson
Hayward John Director