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About HCB Rural & Land Management Services
HCB Rural and Land Management Services provides a variety of services to support rural industries, property owners and environment/land managers. We offer to our clients more than 15 years practical experience in rural industries including cattle, horses, sheep, property management and rural contracting. Chemcert accreditation, tertiary qualifications in agriculture and farm management, Workcover accreditations to operate a variety of light/medium vehicles and trade qualification as a diesel mechanic are some of the skills offered by our business. We offer a prompt service and free quotes. All jobs, no matter how small are important to us.
Rural fencing
Weed spraying
Feral animal control, including wild dogs, pigs, rabbits, goats.
Driveway entrance design and construction
Pasture renovation
Stock mustering and cattle/sheep husbandry
Servicing of farm machinery
Painting of farm structures
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