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About Hinterland Dog Whistler
We offer home visits to all kinds of animals while you are away on holidays. Clean water, brush, feeding, play & cuddles. Purpose of this service is to create less stress for the animal so he/she can stay in & close to familiar surroundings while owners are away.
The Purpose of this service is to create less stress for the animal so he/she can stay in & close to familiar surroundings while owners are away. This includes birds, chickens, horses etc. Home care visits &/or Dog walking. While you are away on holidays or need help because of work, medical condition or a disability why not try us next time.
Dog Walking
Clean fresh water
Clean up any waste
Play & Cuddles
Ditch the Kennels & Cattery's�..
Purpose of this service is to create less stress for the animal so he/she can stay in & close to familiar surroundings while owners are away.
If you have a need for our services
please use the contact information below.
We provide a kind approach to calm the animals with play by reading their natures so they look forward to our visits each time.
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Hinterland Dog Whistler