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About AL Hourigan Panel Beating
At AL Hourigan Panel Beating, we offer a comprehensive range of panel beating services to get your vehicle looking its best. Since 1983, we have provided reliable accident repair services for drivers throughout Mackay. In addition to smash repairs, we provide convenient towing and air-conditioning maintenance. Our rates are very competitive. At Hourigan's Smash Repairs, we work with advanced equipment to achieve quality results. We have a Monarch spray booth at our Sarina smash repairs business, as well as a car aligner and straightening systems. Our team sell a wide range of auto spare parts as well as paint and coatings from leading brand Spies Hecker. In addition to providing panel beating services, our team can also provide repainting for your kitchen splashbacks, benches and cabinetry. We pride ourselves on being able to respond efficiently to the demands of out clients. To find out more about the services we offer, don't hesitate to contact AL Hourigan Panel Beating today.
Panel Beating
Accident Repair Services
Smash Repairs
Towing Services
Air-conditioning Maintenance
Repainting Kitchen Splashbacks
Repainting Benches
Repainting Cabinetry
Rust Removal
Spray Painting
Car Aligning & Straightening
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Frequently Asked Questions
Does AL Hourigan Panel Beatingv offer free quotes?
Yes, AL Hourigan Panel Beating offers free quotes for all types of repairs.
How long does it take for AL Hourigan Panel Beating to complete a repair?
The time it takes for AL Hourigan Panel Beating to complete a repair varies depending on the extent of the damage and the type of repair needed. They will provide an estimated timeframe when providing a quote.
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