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About Hunter Arts Network
The Hunter Arts Network, better known as HAN, is the peak professional body for the Visual Arts, Craft & Design sectors in the Hunter region. and is a membership based organisation funded by membership fees and sponsorship from Moray & Agnew Lawyers. To represent, promote and develop visual arts, crafts and design with an emphasis on professional practitioners. Our key objectives are Four Seasonal Art Bazaars, Advocate on behalf of members, Promote communication and collaboration between visual arts, crafts and design groups in the Hunter, Promote members' work to established and emerging markets via the website, EDM, social media & Art Bazaar, Provide professional development and educational services to members, Maintain organisational strength and relevance and Ensure traditional and contemporary media are represented.
Art Bazaar
Professional Development
Promote communication and collaboration between visual arts, crafts and design
Ensure traditional and contemporary media are represented
Advocate on behalf of members
Maintain organisational strength and relevance
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Hunter Arts Network