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About Hunterlink
Hunterlink is unique among Employee Assistance Providers. Established as a Not-fot-Profit employee welfare organisation, we are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission and have DGR status. We provide direct, 24/7 counselling to workers around the globe and are proactively focussed on workers’ wellbeing, rehabilitation and mental health. By partnering with Hunterlink EAP, your business will have access to unique services and resources which help ensure your employees are healthy, happy and productive at work. As an employee assistance provider, Hunterlink delivers a range of programs for the workplace that include counselling, outplacement support, management support, organisational consultancy, as well as specialised international crew, FIFO worker and remote worksite welfare support services. Our counsellors are qualified and registered through The Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA). We are members of Employee Assistance Professional Association of Australasia (EAPAA) and Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA) and we deliver our services in line with clinical standards, the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Employee Assistance Provider
24/7 Counselling Services
Critical Incident Response
Interpreter Services
Mediation Services
Organisational Consultancy
Coaching, Training & Guidance for Managers & Business Owners
Workplace Wellbeing
Mental Health & Safety Audits
Workplace Policy
Procedure Developments
Organisational Designs
Workplace Training
Outplacement & Redundancy Support
International Seafarers Support
Toolbox Talks
Webinar Series
Dealing with Anxiety & Stress Training
Dealing with Isolation Training
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Training
Effective Communication in the Workplace Training
Mental Health Awareness
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is the 24/7 helpline staffed by counsellors around the clock?
Yes. When you call Hunterlink seeking assistance, you will be put on to a qualified and registered counsellor or case worker immediately. We have after-hours and overnight counsellors and case workers available at all hours, so if you are in a remote or offshore location in a different time zone, you will still be able to speak to a professional, skilled counsellor.
Is this a confidential service?
At Hunterlink, all counselling sessions are undertaken confidentially. We follow the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles that underpin our clinical standards and maintain strict confidence at all time. However, if you are still unsure, you only need to provide us with your workplace, a name and phone number we can call you on.