About i=Change
Give back, drive growth, create change i=Change exists to accelerate the impact of extraordinary development projects focused on women and girls’ empowerment, and now also mitigate the impacts of climate change. i=Change does this by making it simple and powerful for e-commerce businesses to give back and accelerate their sustainability journey.
Software Company
Cause Marketing
Digital Marketing
Giving Back Platform
100% Transparency of Impact
Meet Consumer Expectations to Support Businesses that Reflect their Values
Engage & Feature Your Purpose
Track & Share Your Real-Time Impact
Address Your ESG Requirements
Double Donation Campaigns
Simple & Seamless Integration
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does i=Change work?
i=Change businesses commit a donation from every sale, and customers get to choose where it goes! Customers can add their own donation if they wish. One charity project is always chosen on the i=Change platform, so the donation is always sent to one project. Our APIs provide access to live counters, and numerous tools enable you to receive a marketing return on your commitment to giving back.
How can i=Change give 100% of donations?
We believe it’s important to forward 100% of donations raised and not keep a cent. We’re able to do this by charging our retail partners a separate fee for use of the i=Change platform and ecosystem.