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About iColonic
At icolonic in Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast, we believe that the journey towards better health should start with a healthy digestive system and research shows we are not alone. The gut is commonly referred to as our "second brain" responsible for the digestion, absorption and utilisation of vital nutrients followed by the elimination of toxic waste matter from all systems of the body. When our digestive system gets overloaded and sluggish, the rest of the body suffers, we are no longer able to detoxify effectively and therefore open the body up to a greater risk of disease, inflammation, infection, parasites and other harmful invaders. By cleansing the colon regularly and taking the necessary steps to reduce the toxic overload within the body, you will find your energy and vitality increases and your overall health is greatly improved. A healthy Gut leads to a happy mind.
Natural Cleansing Treatments
An Ancient Treatment
Modern Colonic Hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy
Parasite & Candida Cleanses
Liver Cleanse
Supplement Support
Enema Education
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I go back to work or go to the gym after a colonic?
Yes, you can. All your release should take place at the clinic. However, if it’s your first colonic, we recommend coming at a time when you can relax afterwards as you may be exhausted with a large toxin release. You may also find the need to go to the loo several more times throughout the day as waste will have shifted around.
What should I wear?
Please wear your regular clothes, you will be asked to strip from the waist down but will be given a gown to wear for privacy. You will be covered by a further sheet once the insertion has been done.