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Middle School
Independent, Secular & Co-Educational Senior High School
Personalised Learning Environment
Learner Centred Approach
Safe, Supportive, & Respectful Environment
We Provide a Range of Alternative Pathways Into University
Innovative Educational Experiences & Services
Commitment to Australia's First Nation People
Year 10 Academic Program
Extra-Curricular & Skills Activities
Economics & Business Classes
Civics & Citizenship Classes
Psychology Classes
History Classes
Visual Arts Classes
Design & Technology Classes
HPE Classes
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Student Support Services
Wellbeing Commitment
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Ways to Pay
RTO 5036
CRICOS Provider 01697J
Year 10 CRICOS Course Code 109237G
IBDP CRICOS Course Code 102664M
Cert IV CRICOS Course Code 106578K
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is IES College?
IES College is a senior high school that offers a range of university pathway options. Our Year 10 Program follows the Australian Curriculum and has been designed to prepare students for a smooth transition into the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in their senior years.
What Is an IB Programme?
A growing number of students around the world are choosing to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme for Year 11 and 12. The IB was established in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 with an aim to provide an outstanding curriculum to achieve international academic standards across local schools.
IES College