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About Illawarra Communications
Illcom is one of Australia's largest privately owned supplier of both Mobile and Fixed Communications Systems through our �Illawarra Commiunications Pty Ltd' brand, as well as Australia's only Australian Owned Paging Network provider through our �Datacall Communications' brand. Illawarra Communications Pty Ltd has one the largest RF Communications workshops in the country, where we design, supply and service all leading communications brands such as Motorola, Kenwood, Tait Radio Communications and Vertex Standard. Datacall Communications is a Personalised Messaging Bureau that operates 24 hours, 7 days. Our highly trained staff carry out duties such as answering business telephone calls on behalf of our busy clients, transferring calls through to relevant �On-Call' staff, order taking on behalf of clients, answering Emergency Service calls and taking bookings for Tour Operators and Doctors surgeries.
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