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Native Plants
Garden Books
Hundreds Of Native Plants On Display
Picnic & BBQ Facilities
Light Refreshments Available
Wheelchair & Pram Friendly
Walking Tracks
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who maintains The Illawarra Grevillea Park Botanic Garden?
The park is maintained by a small group of volunteers who meet every Monday from 9am to 1 pm. Volunteers undertake a broad range of jobs including planting, pruning, mulching, building new gardens and paths, undertaking special projects.
What is the purpose of The Illawarra Grevillea Park Botanic Garden?
The Illawarra Grevillea Park Botanic Garden has a number of purposes. For the public, the Park is about showcasing the rich and wonderful array of plants we are blessed with in Australia. Hopefully visitors will then be encouraged to try growing a few native plants or to expand their collection.
The Illawarra Grevillea Park Botanic Garden