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About Impact Improvements
Impact Improvements provides a comprehensive service which focuses on business improvement optimising people, processes and systems. Using advanced techniques and a pivotal understanding of the fundamental needs of successful businesses, Impact Improvements works with individual clients, teams and organisations to manage all aspects of the business to better achieve their client's short, medium and long term goals. Through the expert use of advanced techniques such as the NeuroPower framework and behavioural strategies, Impact Improvements works to enhance discretionary effort, productivity and performance across all areas of organisational development, business operating processes and systems, leadership capability development, team development, transformational change management and engagement, customer relationships and customer service.
Organisational Development
Leadership Capability Development
Team Development
Transformational Change Management & Engagement
Business Operating Processes & Systems
Customer Relationship & Customer Service
NeuroPower Accreditation
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Ways to Pay
Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Management)
Diploma of Management
NeuroPower accreditation
Human Synergistics accreditation
Impact Improvements