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About Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio
Life takes all kinds of roads, some are steep hills, some are windy, some are wet and slippery and some seem to want to drop off a steep cliff. If we do not embrace the change, slow down or speed up when we have to how will we grow, how will we learn. So here I am back in Australia. We arrived in April 2017 and this time happy to be here and to stay and make the very most of my life, my kids life and my partners life. I had to close the True Passion Studio which was heart breaking. In the 3 years the Studio was open I was very blessed to have the most amazing clients. Loyal and dedicated to their practice, whether it was Iyengar Yoga, Classical Pilates or Aerial Yoga. Some coming up to 3 times a week. As a teacher I jumped leaps and bounds with experience and knowledge. Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio is then name of my new studio. The name Impression resonates well with me as it's the positive impact I aim to imprint on your life when you attend my Studio. I wish to impress you, I want you to leave my studio or teaching having a positive impression and imprint physically, mentally and spiritually or Samskara as we know it in Yoga a �mental impression, recollection psychological imprint� I aim to imprint only positive Impressions / Samskara with all my clients.
Experienced Staff
Classical Pilates
Iyengar Yoga
Dedicated Over 20 Years Studying & Teaching Yoga & Pilates
Senior Slow & Steady Yoga & Pilates Package
Full Time University Student Rate Yoga & Pilates Package
5 Pack Yoga & Pilates Package
Drop In Yoga & Pilates Package
10 Pack Yoga & Pilates Package
Private & Duo Pilates & Yoga Package
Unlimited Pilates & Yoga
Kahuna-Based Restorative Relaxation Massage
Over 12 Years Experience
Beginner Pilates
Intermediate Pilates
Advanced Pilates
Yoga Level 1 & 2
Dynamic Yoga
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates. It emphasises the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement.
What are the benefits of doing Pilates?
Well each person's response to this question is different but from first-hand experience after doing Pilates exercise you become stronger, leaner and more graceful. Pilates is a compliment to any other sport.
Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio