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About Income Direct
Income Direct provides Fixed Income Accounts for clients seeking competitive returns. We offer terms ranging from 3 months to 10 years and provide all clients with online access to view their account 24/7. Our Fixed Income Accounts are available to individuals, joint names, SMSF's, companies and trusts. We work with clients throughout Australia, many of whom are seeking interest rates that enable them to keep ahead of inflation. Interested in knowing more? Visit and download our Information Kit for more details or call us on 1300 798 334. You can also sign up online in less than 10 minutes.
Corporate Credits
Secured Lending
Fixed Interest Accounts
Compound Interest
Personal Australia-based Relationship Manager
Monthly Income
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Ways to Pay
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
Income Direct’s online Fixed Income Accounts involve lending your chosen amount of capital (from $50,000 and above) to Income Direct™ for a pre-agreed term (i.e. time period) in exchange for rate of return. This is known as a ‘facility’.
What happens at the end of the term?
If you would like to have your facility repaid at maturity (i.e. the end of the term) we require 30 days’ notice in writing. This can be done via your online dashboard. Alternatively, you can leave your capital with Income Direct™ and your facility will automatically renew for a further period on the same terms as your original facility.
Income Direct