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About Integrated Valuation Services
Integrated Valuation Services (IVS) commenced operating in Darwin in 2000, and has offices in Cairns, Darwin and Alice Springs. Our Alice Springs Office was established in 2003 and has been servicing all areas of regional and remote Central Australia since this time. IVS conducts residential, commercial, industrial and pastoral valuations and provides specialist property advice for most national and local financial institutions. We service all of Northern and Central Australia and have extensive experience in valuing various property types in regional and rural areas. We have offices in Darwin, Alice Springs and Cairns. Our company provides valuation services in all property types and in all regional and remote area locations from Broome in WA, across through the Northern Territory and throughout Northern Queensland from our Cairns Office. IVS geographical coverage area comprises around 35% of the Australian continent and encompasses most of remote northern and central Australia. Our company prides itself on providing high standard report writing with accurate assessments provided in a timely and efficient manner. We ensure constant communication with the instructing party from time of request to delivery of reports, and provide follow up consultation post completion of reports. IVS has registered / licensed valuers in the States of Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia, (no registration / licensing is applicable in the remaining States and Territories). IVS is a registered panel valuation firm with all major banking institutions and provides a full range of valuation services to many institutions. IVS sits on various administrative boards and panels including the valuation board of review; and in an expert capacity provides advice and determinations on valuation objections and rental disputes.
Pastoral & Rural ??? ?Horticultural/Agricultural
Hospitality & Tourism
Capital Gains
Dispute Resolution & Mediation
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ABN: 82 092 406 543
Certified Practising Valuers with the Australian Property Institute
Integrated Valuation Services