About IPN Valuers Gympie & Kingaroy
Our firm has been servicing the Northern Sunshine Coast, Gympie and South Burnett Regions since 1993. We have previously traded as John Logan & Associates and MVS National Gympie. Our Valuers have a combined wealth of knowledge having extensive and specialty knowledge of the Commercial, Industrial, Rural and Residential Market. Combined our two directors have over seventy years experience in the property valuation industry. Our office has Valuers that have extensive experience in the Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Rural sectors and can provide Valuations for the following purpose: Resumption Compensation Mortgage Security Market Value Assessment Self Managed Superannuation Fund Family Settlement GST Margin Scheme Stamp Duty Capital Gains Tax Private negotiation Estate Planning and Administration Portfolio Rating and Taxing Appeal Rental Assessment/Determination Development Feasbility Lease Administration Lease Negotiation Insurance Assessment All of our Valuers are members of the Australian Property Institute (API). The API provide governance of the industry in Australia with a stringent code of conduct along with assurance that members complete ongoing professional development training and ensure independently set International Valuation Standards are met.
Property Value services
Property Valuation
Independent Valuation and Property Advice
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Member of the Australian Property Institute
Registered Valuers in Queensland
Member of the Australian Property Institute of Valuers
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do you provide services for?
We have valuers that have extensive experience in the Residential, Commercial, Industrial & Rural sectors
IPN Valuers Gympie & Kingaroy