About Irlen Dyslexia Centre Taree
At the IRLEN Dyslexia Centre Taree, we provide treatment for those experiencing problems with Reading, Learning, Dyslexia, Autism, ADD and ADHD. We also assist clients who experience headaches and migraines as well as light sensitivity. Our certified team uses the IRLEN method to pinpoint and remedy perceptual processing difficulties that can cause reading and learning problems. IRLEN Syndrome, also referred to as Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome and Visual Stress, is a visual perception processing disorder. It is not an optical problem. It is a problem with the brain's ability to process visual information. This problem tends to run in families and is not able to be identified with optical assessments, standardised educational assessments or medical tests. Signs and Symptoms of IRLEN Syndrome: - Sensitivity to Light - Reading Difficulties - Distortions with Print - Spelling Problems - Delayed Learning - Concentration Difficulties - Behaviour Problems - Frustration - Handwriting Problems - Find Copying Difficult - Depth Perception Difficulties - Eye Strain / Visual Stress - Headaches and Migraines - Fatigue after School or Work - Low Self Esteem - Anxiety IRLEN Dyslexia Centre Taree has the only qualified IRLEN Diagnostician in the Great Lakes and Manning Valley districts. Our compassionate team provides personalised treatments to diagnose the cause of various problems caused by IRLEN Syndrome or Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome as it is sometimes referred to, and then prescribe the most appropriate corrective methods. Dyslexia is something that can be effectively addressed, and our team ensures clients receive ongoing support. To find out how we can best help you or your child, don't hesitate to contact the IRLEN Dyslexia Centre Taree today.
Irlen Coloured Exercise Books Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow & Lilac
Irlen Overlays Various Colours
Irlen Awareness Arm Bands
Reading & comprehension difficulties
Light sensitivity, headaches & migraines
ADHD & Autism spectrum disorder
Diagnosing IRLEN & Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (IRLEN Dyslexia)
Irlen Recheck Assessment
Irlen Screening
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Certified by The Irlen Institute
Has the Only Qualified Irlen Diagnostician in the Area
Member of the AAIC - Australasian Association of Irlen Consultants
Irlen Dyslexia Centre Taree