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About ITAD Learning
The International Training and Development Group (ITAD) is an Education Technology (Edu Tech) Service provider offering innovative training and development solutions. ITAD is a 15 year old group with headquarters in Australia and offices in USA, India, and Philippines. We have a team of world-class, multi-cultural professionals who pride in serving our clients worldwide. ITAD offers Education Process Management Services, bespoke eLearning content development services, and Learning Management System (LMS) and LMS administration services. Our offerings are unique and backed by our group's experience of more than 15 years in Learning and Development. Combining innovative technology with best practice instructional design, training and compliance management makes us unique. We provide powerful yet simple turnkey solutions, which enable our clients to gain immediate benefits from their investment, and offer robust solutions to their customers.
Custom learning
Mobile learning
Responsive design
Game based learning
rapid development
AR and VR solutions
Training need analysis, learning strategy and design
Research and content generation
Custom training development
Assessments and coaching
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