Excavator Hire
Backhoe & Tipper Hire
Site Cleaning
Yard Clean Ups
Tree & Stump Removal
300mm Posthole Borer Hire
450mm Posthole Borer Hire
600mm Posthole Borer Hire
750mm Posthole Borer Hire
900 & 1200mm Posthole Borer Hire
Compaction Wheel Hire
Ripper Hire
Rock Breaker Hire
Driveways Clean
Trencher & Bobcat Hire
House Drains Removal
Excavation Equipment Hire
Site Preparation
Hourly Rates
Tree Removal
Prompt & Affordable
Equipment Hire
Trenching For Septic Tanks
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Kelso QLD
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services do you offer at Jack's Backhoe & Borer Hire?
We provide a wide range of earthmoving services in Townsville, including excavation, site preparation, tree lopping, clearing, trench digging, posthole boring, and more. Whether you're working on a construction project or need land clearing, we have the right equipment to get the job done.
How does Jack's Backhoe & Borer Hire hourly rate work?
Our services are charged on an hourly rate, making it cost-effective for your earthworks, excavation, or site preparation needs. The rate includes the use of our backhoes, tipper truck, and other equipment, as well as the expertise of our experienced operators.
Jack's Backhoe & Borer Hire