About Jane Fender
Full-service business consulting. True innovation comes from true outsider thinking. From its foundations as a creative agency, driven by its global network of thinkers, the Jane Fender membership has expanded, and so too has its service offering. With problem solving and outsider thinking at is core, Jane Fender offers clients a suite of business, strategy and innovation services. Jane Fender is a global ideas consultancy, delivering curated problem solving from an exclusive membership of true outsiders. Across fashion, brand, music, the visual arts and strategic thought; our global hive of thinkers offer a radical form of innovation, focussed on your unique creative needs. Ideas are curated and managed by our senior consultants from offices in Los Angeles, Dubai, Sydney and Byron Bay. We offer an elastic resource that can be scaled to suit your ambitions and your budget. Ideas & strategy are the raw materials of innovation. Jane Fender takes a holistic approach to all of your data sources. With an outsider’s eye, our team will interrogate your current operations, and visualise your hopes for the future. To produce a digital strategy that will boost customer engagement and propel you ahead of the competition.
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Graphic Design
Digital Marketing
Brand Strategy
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USA AIGA: Professional Member
Australian Graphic Design Association: Professional Member
Jane Fender