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About Jigsaw Autism Services
At Jigsaw our core business is Autism Spectrum Disorders - that is our speciality. At Jigsaw you get quality evidence based best practice early intervention services provided by qualified educational and allied health professionals skilled in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders, accompanied with expertise in the teaching and learning for children with autism. All staff are University qualified in their professional expertise with many holding postgraduate qualifications. The Director of Jigsaw holds a Master of Education (Autism) is a parent with a daughter with autism and intellectual disability, who is a specialist Autism Spectrum Disorders teacher/practitioner. Jigsaw Autism Services is a specialist Autism specific early intervention service and has established a specialist Autism Learning and Resource Centre that reflects the outcomes based on the 2011 review of the research to identify the most effective models of practice in early intervention of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Prior, Roberts, Williams & Sutherland). Using research evidence based proven autism interventions derived from Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and supported with developmental play based learning to address the core challenges of autism, an individualised treatment plan is implemented. Parents/carers play a pivotal role in sessions. Parents are viewed as co-therapists where they are taught strategies and teaching/learning techniques which they can implement as part of their everyday experiences. Therapy is viewed as a natural way to interact and connect with their child through a highly supportive learning environment. Sessions are conducted in Jigsaw's fully equipped learning centre which reflects best practice in early intervention autism specific treatment.
Autism treatment and services at clinic
Practice assessments
Autism resources
Training for staff & organisations on best practice autism interventions
Delivering the Helping Children with Autism
Package & NDIS for children with autism
Sale of resources
Training of staff of schools
Early intervention
Autism services for children based on evidenced based practices. Helping Children with Autism Package and NDIS provider.
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Member of Australian Tutoring Association
Jigsaw Autism Services