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About JLF Group
The JLF Group’s core discipline is property development with experience in both residential and commercial projects. Our specialty is residential land development,having created over 5,000 allotments and more than 10,000 house and land packages.The group was established in 1981 by John Leonard Fitzgerald when he was just 18years of age. John has successfully traded for 40+ years as the CEO. The group comprises of offices in five states and employs over 80 staff. The group’s 10-acre head office is located on the Nerang River on the Gold Coast. It includes xxxm2 of well-appointed office spaces, a 5,000-member gymnasium, recording and teleconference facilities as well as a very popular café.John wrote a book about how to invest more than 25 years ago. Thousands of Australians have read the book and followed the strategy ever since. While JLF maybe best known to developers, builders and real estate agents, the Australian public will be more familiar with the following two divisions of JLF.
Property Managements
Real Estate Agents
Coordinate Quotes With Builders
Commission Designs For Frontage
Design For Future Value Add-Ons
Pick Areas Based On Research
Pick Estates & Blocks At The Right Price
Residential Land Developments
Commercial Project Developments
Educate On Residential Property Investment
Property Investment Strategy
Loan Assessment For Property Investment
Over 40 Years Of Experience
Expert Advise
Experienced Team
Professional Staffs
Quality Workmanship
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