About Kakadu Air Services
Kakadu Air Services Pty Ltd, known as Kakadu Air, is proudly run and owned by local Territorians. With more than 36 combined years of experience in the scenic flight industry, Kakadu Air promises to show their passengers the best of Kakadu National Park. Kakadu Air was founded in the 80's by Bob and Ngaire McDonald, who both held the Kakadu National park close to their heart. After their retirement in July 2018, Kakadu Air changed hands and was purchased by four passionate Northern Territory residents. Under the new ownership and management, Kakadu Air aims to continue ensuring the Kakadu National Park is known as a must-see destination among international and domestic visitors and residents of Northern Territory as well as providing the best way to see it with our wide selection of scenic flights and tour packages.
Package deals & Specials
Scenic Tours in Kakadu National Park
Dedicated freight hanger with cold room services
Charter Services
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Ways to Pay
ABN 65 009 624 088
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I see the waterfalls?
During the Wet Season which takes place November to May weather depending
What is the difference between a helicopter and a fixed wing flight?
Our Fixed wing flights are more budget friendly and more passengers are on board during the tours. Our Helicopters scenics are more personal, allows for closer viewing and there is a maximum of 3 on board.
Kakadu Air Services