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About Katreana J Hughes
A Professional, Personable Accounting Team Tax Returns with an appointment start at $110 and vary upwards depending on the type of schedules involved. Can't find time to make an appointment? We offer an email / telephone and drop of tax return service as well. Tax returns without an appointment start at $99, terms and conditions apply. We do payroll and bookkeeping services for our small to medium enterprises. If you are looking for an accounting team that will deliver professional results in a timely fashion, whilst still being proactive, personal and empathic and listens to your needs and concerns then you have found us. Our pricing is fair and competitive, fast electronic lodgements. Katreana has been in the industry for twenty years, and has learnt that growing her own team is important so they learn it right from day one. We are Tax Accountants and Business Advisors that are passionate about:- small business, property investors and individuals alike and love the complexity of Companies, Trusts and Super Funds.
Accounting Tax
Business Advice & Mentoring
Finance - Loans & Planning
Formation of Companies & Trusts
Investment Property Tips Payroll
Property Investors
Self Managed Super Funds
Software Sales & Support
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Katreana J Hughes