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About Kinda Kapers Maitland
Are you looking for a reliable and caring daycare solution for your child in Maitland? Kinda Kapers provides education and child care services for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years old. As a family run, family oriented business, and we are passionate about children and families. Operating in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region for more than 20 years, we are committed to the local area and excited to expand the company to the Hunter region. Kinda Kapers believes that development and learning in young children takes place within solid mutually respectful relationships. As children participate in every element of their learning program they develop interests and construct their own identities and understandings of the world. Our dedicated, friendly Maitland staff are committed to helping young children develop into healthy and happy individuals. All our staff are qualified and dedicated to the children in their care. Pop in or give us a call to discuss you childcare needs.
Child minding
Child care services
Early childhood education program
School readiness program
Cater children 6 weeks - 6 years
Nutritious meals
Qualified educators
Experienced, loving & caring educators
Key educators closely nurture each infant in those critical first 3 years
Continuity of care by mature, long standing educators
Extended & extra early opening hours
Natural tree lined playgrounds
Dedicated babies’ playground
Morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea provided by onsite cook
Located just outside Maitland CBD
Three large outdoor play areas catering for different ages
Dedicated preschool program assisting each child to reach their fullest potential
Providing caring & nurturing childcare services for more than 30 years
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Ways to Pay
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enrol at Kinda Kapers?
If you would like to tour our centre; Or if are looking for care now or in the next few weeks. We would be happy to help with any questions on settling in or navigating the government child care subsidy (Ccs). If planning ahead, feel free to put your child's Namedown on our waiting list.
Who will look after my child?
Your child will form a close relationship with all educators in their room. A specific educator will become your child's primary educator.
Kinda Kapers Maitland