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About Kindamindi Development & Learning Centre
Childcare with a difference at Kindamindi Development & Learning Centre in Warana. There is nothing more important to us than providing your child with the support they need during their early learning years. Our long day childcare services means your child has access to a world of possibilities with our engaging, educational programmes and games. We'll help provide the sustenance they need with fresh, nutritious meals to fuel their early learning development. Active kids are healthy kids! Your child will love playing in our refurbished and spacious playgrounds supervised by our caring team. Our Warana childcare centre incorporates the Early Years Learning Framework and the extra little ones in our kindergarten room use the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines. We accept enrolments for children based throughout the Sunshine Coast. For more information on our fees, enrolment process, childcare rebate, facilities or early learning and kindergarten programmes, call us today. Our friendly staff will be happy to help answer all of your questions.
Development & Learning Centre
Child Care
Quality Education
Long Day Care
Kindergarten Program
Long Day Childcare
Childcare Service
Kindergarten Programme
Childcare Rebate
Junior Kindergarten
Senior Kindergarten
4.6 rating
5 reviews
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Ways to Pay
Licensed Childcare
Kindergarten Approved Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a minimum weekly booking?
No! However, we recommend a minimum of two days a week. This allows the child to experience a range of fun, educational activities and better prepares them for school life.
When are fees paid?
Fees are to be paid two (2) weeks in advance. Please contact our centre for more information.
Kindamindi Development & Learning Centre