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About Kinetic Massage and Body Work
I'll relieve your pain, stress and discomfort. I'll inspire and educate you and everyone I meet about how important it is to look after YOU, when times are tough! Take time out for you. Your kids will thank you and your partner will thank you - Why? - because you're not so aggravated, tired, irritable, narky and an emotional mess. Kinetic energy is the energy of mass in motion bringing back your kinetic energy massage movement motion 'Inspiring good health and pain management naturally'. Schedule your appointment with Renate Halleen today.
Treatment of muscles
tendons and ligaments
Swedish Massage technique to relax the entire body
Feel Relaxed & Renewed with a Deep Tissue Massage
Relief from Muscle Stiffness with a Trigger Point Therapy
Electric Massage Table
Bio Freeze pain relief gel or roll on
Theraband resistance bands
Theraband flew bars
Massage Therapist
Remedial Massage
Relaxation Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Trigger Point Therapy
Natural Therapies
Dry Needling
Sports massage
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Ways to Pay
Massage and Myotherapy Australia
AON Insurance
Diploma of Remedial Massage
Kinetic Massage and Body Work