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About Landsurv Tweed Heads
As a leading land development consultant, our aim is to provide you with exceptional value through industry leading quality, service and efficiency. Our expert team works on hundreds of projects every year, from Ballina to the Gold Coast and we’d love to assist you with your project, whether large or small, from concept to completion. We’ll deliver value for your investment across all survey types including residential projects, construction and civil set-out, compliance and all forms of subdivision and land development.
Land Surveyor
Subdivision & Land Development
Strata Plan Preparation
Construction Set-out
Detail/Contour Surveys
Boundary Surveys & Boundary Marking
Work as Executed / as Built Surveys
Community Title & Cluster Subdivision
Identification Survey
GPS Machine Guidance Surveys
Lease & BOMA Surveys
Hydraulic Survey & Flood Studies
Monitoring Survey for Deformations
Volumetric Surveys
Easement Creation & 88B Instrument Preparation
Sporting Field Engineering & Design
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