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Arabic Language Learning
Danish Language Learning
Dutch Language Learning
English Language Learning
French Language Learning
German Language Learning
Greek Language Learning
Hebrew Language Learning
Italian Language Learning
Japanese Language Learning
Korean Language Learning
Mandarin Chinese Language Learning
Norwegian Language Learning
Polish Language Learning
Portuguese Language Learning
Russian Language Learning
Spanish Language Learning
Swedish Language Learning
Turkish Language Learning
Vietnamese Language Learning
Other Language Learning
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Frequently Asked Questions
How many sessions am I likely to need?
Learning a new language depends almost entirely on the student, so this answer can vary. Using our experience as a benchmark, most students beginning with no prior knowledge reach a beginner's conversational level after 15 sessions of 2 hours each. Let us know your specific needs and we can offer you a more accurate estimate.
Are your teachers properly qualified to teach?
Yes, all of our trainers are native speakers. In addition, each teacher either holds a degree in the language taught or other internationally-recognised qualification for teaching their native language. Many have both.
Language Trainers Head Office