About Lawn's Garden Tidy
Welcome to Lawn's Garden Tidy! We are a trusted business that has been providing garden waste removal services since 1980. Our mission is to make green waste removal as easy and affordable as possible for our customers. We specialize in three categories of services - Garden Bags, Rubbish Removal, and Green Waste Removal. Our Garden Bags service is perfect for customers who generate green waste on a regular basis. We offer a four-weekly pickup service, and you can arrange for one or multiple bags to be serviced at your address. Our Rubbish Removal service is designed to cater to customers who need to get rid of bulky items such as furniture or white goods. Lastly, our Green Waste Removal service is ideal for customers who want to get rid of palm fronds, branches, twigs, lawn clippings, leaves, and cardboard. Our services are affordable, and we are committed to providing the best value for your money. We understand that it can be a hassle to make multiple trips to the tip, which is why we have made our Garden Tidy Bag pickup service from your front yard simple and convenient. This service eliminates the need for you to travel to the tip and spend valuable time and money on waste disposal. At Lawn's Garden Tidy, we take pride in providing excellent customer service. Our team is always available to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a quote for bulk green waste removals. We believe that keeping your place looking great all year round should be hassle-free, and our services are designed to make that happen. Thank you for considering Lawn's Garden Tidy for your green waste removal needs. Visit our website at http://www.lawnsgardentidy.com.au to learn more about our services, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a pickup.
Garden Bags
Garden Tidy Removals
Free BULK Quotes
Bulk Green Waste Removals
Cardboard Recycling
Green Waste Services
Garden Bag Service
Green waste removal
Garden removal
Garden tidy
Garden bags
Green Waste Service
Bulk Green Waste Removals
One-off Green waste Removals
One-off garden tidy removals
Cardboard Recycling
Garden Bag Service
Local family business
Reliable Service
Local Business
4.8 rating
4 reviews
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Walkerston QLD
Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Lawn's Garden Tidy's Garden Tidy Bag pickup service work?
Our Garden Tidy Bag pickup service is designed to be simple and convenient. We pick up the bags from your front yard, eliminating the need for you to travel to the tip and spend valuable time and money on waste disposal.
How often can I arrange for my Garden Tidy Bags to be serviced?
Lawn's Garden Tidy offers a four-weekly pickup service, and you can arrange for one or multiple bags to be serviced at your address.
Lawn's Garden Tidy