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About Lees Luke Family Law
At Lees Luke Family Law you will receive specialist family law advice provided in a straightforward yet compassionate manner. Lees Luke Family Law is family law practice in Nowra. It provides specialist family law advice in a straightforward yet compassionate manner. Lees Luke Family Law aims to assist clients through this difficult time by putting into place arrangements that will allow them to move on with their life with certainty. When a relationship ends there is often still a lot of inter-mingling of finances. Unravelling these joint finances & assets can be difficult, but is often simplest if dealt with soon after separation. It is important to get legal advice prior to disposing of or transferring any property after separation, as this can often have unforseen long-term consequences. Resolving Children's Issues Often the most distressing effect of a separation is its impact on the children, & how each parent will continue their relationship with the children. It Is important to resolve these issues promptly after separation in order to provide certainty for the children & to assist you to move forward with your life. De Facto Relationships Separation from a de facto relationship (whether a heterosexual or same-sex relationship), is governed by the Family Law Act 1975. This means that de facto separations are dealt with in a very similar way to separations from a marriage. This is why it is just as important for people separating from a de facto relationship to seek legal advice as it is for people separating from a marriage.
Family Law
Property settlements
Children's matters
Child support
Pre nuptial agreement
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Lees Luke Family Law