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Leigh Clarke Drum Lessons

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About Leigh Clarke Drum Lessons

Leigh Clarke has been teaching for over 15 years in music shops and schools around Brisbane areas. Leigh has now moved to the Sunshine Coast and will be starting up drum lessons teaching beginners to advanced students. Leigh Clarke drummer on the run offers - Mobile Lessons in the Caloundra/Warana area - School Lessons - Fill in Gigs - Recording Sessions - Re skinning and tuning. Having your kit properly tuned and set up is vital for your practice. If your kit sounds and feels good it can motivate you to practice longer, whilst having a badly set up kit can encourage bad technique. What styles Leigh teaches - Rock, Latin, Funk, Metal, Progressive Metal, pop, Jazz, Advanced Double Bass Drum techniques, Rudimental Study, Odd Time Signatures, Artificial and Odd Divisions.


  • Leigh allows busy parents to manage time better by having mobile drum lessons in the comfort of your own home. The bonus of having mobile drum lessons is the student is used to playing their own drums.


  • Recording Sessions - available for recording specialising in Rock, Funk, Metal Progressive Metal, Pop and Country.

  • Fill In Drummer - available for covers and corporate work.

  • Contact today to find out how to get your free lesson :)


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10 years ago

Leigh has been teaching my son, in our home, for the last couple of months and the progress he has made in that time has been incredible. My son had been playing drums for about 2 years prior to working with Leigh, so had a good grasp of the basics and Leigh has been able to quickly assess what was needed to take his drumming to the next level and to provide him with the instruction to get him there. He is an incredibly talented drummer, so would be suited to teaching all skill levels and his easy going nature and logical approach to teaching makes it easy for me to recommend his services.


Caloundra QLD

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Leigh Clarke Drum Lessons