Will a locksmith duplicate a master key?
To duplicate or copy a master key, locksmiths will often require written authorisation by the nominated person. But yes, they can be duplicated.
Will a locksmith open a safe?
If you’ve forgotten your code to a combination safe or it’s broken and out of warranty, a locksmith can assist you in opening it.
Can a locksmith unlock my door?
Certified locksmiths can unlock residential, commercial and vehicle doors. If you’re locked out after-hours, you ’ll need an emergency 24/7 locksmith.
Should I call the police if I’m locked out?
Unless there is a life-threatening emergency, please do not call the police to unlock your car or house. Call a certified locksmith instead.
What is an auto locksmith?
An auto locksmith will offer car and other vehicle lock and key solutions, including ignition switch repairs and transponder key services.
What does a locksmith do?
A locksmith in Australia works with keys, locks and safes for properties and vehicles. Many now offer smart security solutions too.
Can a locksmith change a lock?
Locksmiths can change locks. New locks are most commonly requested when there is a change of occupancy of a property, such as a new homeowner.
Does a locksmith break your lock to get in?
No, a locksmith will generally not need to break the lock to get in. Locksmiths carry special tools to pick locks and manipulate lock mechanisms.
Will insurance cover a locksmith?
Insurance may cover key replacement, but it will depend on your policy. It’s best to contact your insurance provider to confirm for peace of mind.