About LetsAutomate Pty Ltd
LetsAutomate specialises in providing lifestyle technology solutions for newly built or renovated homes Our combined experience in Building, Construction, Electrical and Information Technology with a passion for simple, convenient and quality design allows us to deliver a complete solution that meets and exceeds any expectation. An automated home brings together key components of a home including security, lighting, audio and air-conditioning responding to events for safety, convenience and efficiency. With an automated home, you can automatically dim lights, close blinds and change heating and cooling set points when you are home or away greatly reducing energy costs. Remote access to your automated home lets you view security video on a laptop, Smartphone or iPad giving you peace of mind that your investment is safe and secure. Adding home automation to your new or existing home can assist with increasing the value making your home stand out from the rest. As technology improves it plays greater role in our everyday lives - iPhone, iPad, smartphone, faster computers with more memory you'd expect them to be making life easier. But with so many different technologies and formats more often than not it makes life more cluttered and inconvenient. Wouldn't life be better if everything worked together with a touch of a button? Distributed Audio / Video Distribution is a process used in which a signal from a central location can be sent to any part of the home to be viewed or listened to. A day-to-day example of distribution would be having a DVD playing in the lounge, you press pause and go to bed then from the bedroom you switch on the TV and press play the movie will continue from where you left off. Perfect. LetsAutomate can put this technology at your fingertips.
LetsAutomate provides the highest level of customer service, innovation and integrity in home automation coupled with the latest technologies to provide a user-friendly system that anyone can use.
LetsAutomate products & services:
Installation of home & office alarm systems
CCTV and security systems
Installation of in-room and external cameras linked to phone/internet
Custom built home theatres
Keyless entry
Structured cabling, Internet cabling and network setup
Home/office computer & network installation
Small business server installation and network setup
The power to monitor and control a home remotely
Secure keyless entry using a Smartphone, fingerprint scan or a web enabled device
Lighting control and energy management
Being notified when your pool safety gate is open
Window covering and heating and ventilation controls
Telephones and communications
Best of all, the above services can be fully integrated and controlled from a single vantage point such as your universal remote, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile and similar devices.
We can carry out our work during construction or we can even retrofit any of these technologies in your home, office or factory.
Home Automation
Lifestyle technology Setup and Configuration
Security and CCTV
Music and Theatre
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Glenorie NSW
Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
NSW Fair Trading Contractor License
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Frequently Asked Questions
do you work with Google, Siri, or Alexa
We find the solution that suits your lifestyle.. Our solutions dont just use technology, we maximize the efficiency
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