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Medicinal Cannabis Products
Researching Range of Medical Cannabis Products
Developing Medical Cannabis Products
Commercialising Medical Cannabis Products
Traditional Treatments for the Pain, Mental Health Disorders & Sport Related Ailments
Australian Made
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Medical Cannabis?
In Australia, Medical Cannabis refers to a range of quality-assured pharmaceutical cannabis preparations intended for therapeutic use. Medical Cannabis products must be prescibed by a doctor to treat symptoms of a medical condition or the side effects of medical treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation. Medicinal Cannabis preparations include tablets, oils, tinctures and dry flowers.
What is the difference between Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana?
There are many differences between the two products and it is very common for people to become confused about the purpose each of them serves. Marijuana refers to the illegal recreational drug that is commonly known by many other names including weed, grass, dope or ganja. In Australia, marijuana is illegal to obtain, possess and consume recreationally.
Levin Health