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About Life.Balance.Books.
Hi, please allow me to introduce myself - Linda Burling - how do you do. I've lived in Halifax for the past 16 years. I LOVE Hinchinbrook - is there a better place to live?! And I LOVE bookkeeping! Weird hey? I've done bookkeeping from way before GST was introduced (2000), when the world went crazy for businesses and accountants! I've taught bookkeeping, MYOB and Quickbooks at TAFE, I've written assessments in MYOB - I just love it! I can set you up and train you. I have access to some great accounting software packages that you can use or I can use for you. I am a registered BAS agent. This is crucial. The tax office worked out there were some pretty dodgey bookkeepers out there. Now it is illegal to charge a fee for any bookkeeping service that involves GST, PAYG and superannuation without being registered, educated and insured as a BAS agent. This came in 2010. I've been registered since then. I can talk about bookkeeping and tax 'till the cows come home.....but I won't. I will talk to YOU about YOUR business, your farm, your shop, your enterprise, and about what YOU need so you can take back control......control of the books, control of your finances, of your business....of your LIFE!
Full or partial bookkeeping service
BAS agent services
GST and PAYG registrations
Accounting software updates and installation
Setting up and training in a bookkeeping system
Setting up and training in a payroll system
Performing daily/weekly/monthly bookkeeping
Monthly reconciliations
BAS preparation and electronic lodgement
Negotiating reporting and payment to ATO on your behalf
Payroll functions including PAYG and superannuation obligations
End-of-year payroll reconciliations and certificates and lodgement
Using MYOB, Quickbooks, Reckon and others
Cloud and desktop accounting
Secretarial functions like letter writing, phone calls, applications, forms etc
BAS Agent
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
ABN 87 343 491 505
Bas Agent Reg.No. 92920004